America’s Oldest Art Supply Store Closes After 111 Years
Since New York Central opened in 1905, it has become a destination for artists and designers from around the world. Renowned artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Jean-Michel Basquia, Willem de Kooning, and Cecily Brown bought their supplies there. This past Friday, after 111 years of serving generations of downtown artists, students and teachers, New York Central Art Supply Inc. has closed it’s doors. Local 810 has represented workers at NY Central for decades. Shop Steward Kelly Hunt has been leading this dedicated work force for more than twenty years. Over the last few years the company has been on a decline due to online and chain store competition that lead to dwindling sales. Recently they also lost their month-to-month lease for the building which caused the family-owned business to decide to close its doors.
Although this is the end of an era, the hard working staff at NY Central and their dedicated service will never be forgotten. Many are now looking for new employment and Local 810 is assisting them in sending their resumes to other Union represented work sites. These men and women have a variety of skills and experience and can offer a tremendous amount to any employer. If you have any leads or know of any jobs that are looking for hard working staff, please contact us at Thank you.
Mike Smith – President, Local 810 IBT
Notice of Election & a Second Notice Regarding the IBT Officer Candidate Forum
Attached below are two notices for posting from the Election Supervisor, the Notice of Election and a second Notice Regarding the IBT Officer Candidate Forum.
Notice of Election ENGLISH 8.23.16
Notice of Election SPANISH 8.23.16