See the attached documents below for the latest updates
Based on the current Coronavirus pandemic, the Local 810 Affiliated Pension Fund and the United Wire Metal Machine Pension Fund Office is developing a preparedness plan to best serve our members should it occur that we are unable to work from the physical office in Long Island City. That is why it is important to ensure that you are signed up to receive your funds via direct deposit, otherwise known as Electronic Funds Transfer (“EFT”). Our computer technology will allow us to operate from alternate locations. However, production of paper checks will be problematic and there will be the possibility of no paper check disbursements of any kind while the office is closed. We urge you to sign up for EFT so you can continue to get your benefit payments in a timely manner.
Attached is the direct deposit form. Please print the form pertaining to your pension plan. Make sure it is completed, signed and that proof of the account holder is attached.
Mail it to:
Pension Fund Office – 3rd Floor
24-09 38th Ave
Long Island City, NY 11101
Please feel free to contact the Fund Office at 212-691-4100 ext. 313 if you have any additional questions on EFT.
As the United States responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, we must ensure that working people are able to perform their jobs in a safe working environment and that sick leave is available to all workers. Without adequate sick leave, workers will be forced to continue working in order to provide food and housing for their families, thus potentially exposing others to the virus.
Federal, state and local governments, as well employers, need to listen to front-line workers in every industry about the actions needed to keep working people safe on the job and to protect our communities.
Teamster members have greater job protections than nonunion workers. However, every worker must be provided basic economic security and protections during this crisis.
The Teamsters will fight to ensure that:
- Everyone has access to free COVID-19 testing;
- Every worker is provided some form of paid sick leave;
- Workers are not punished for calling in sick;
- Frontline workers who treat potentially infected populations be provided with the appropriate protective equipment;
- Workers understand that they are entitled to worker compensation benefits if they are infected as a result of their work;
- Those receiving unemployment benefits while affected by COVID-19 are exempt from searching for work during that time.
It is imperative that we come together as a nation to ensure that sick workers and their families stay home when they are sick, continue to be compensated and protected during this time and that federal, state and local governments do everything in their power to keep workers protected during this crisis.
Below is an IBT leaflet regarding coronavirus which incorporates material from multiple agencies and sources. There is also a summary of the legislation passed by the House on Friday, and allegedly moving to the Senate this week.

POSTPONED Local 810 General Membership Meeting – Sunday 3/29
Local 810 has decided to postpone our next scheduled General Membership meeting due to the recent events surrounding the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Although none of our Union brothers and sisters have tested positive for the disease, we have been working with our members and employers to avoid any unnecessary large gatherings. If you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed during this postponement, please contact your Union representative. We will be rescheduling our Membership meetings as soon as possible.

1095-B Important Notice
The Fund is not required to mail the 1095-B forms for year endingIn the event that you may need one, please contact the Welfare Department at 212-691-4100 Ext. 313